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How To - Create a Metin2 pserver

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Required Level  : Beginner

Estimated Time : Between 15 & 30 minutes


Disclaimer : This guide is only a translation of the following tutorial made by Emulateur and then renewed by Calypso. The screenshots are still in French as for now and the tutorial may be aged but still works like charm. [.To be continued.]


Hey there!


You want to create a metin2 private server? You want to play with your friends? Create a community or create one just as a hobby? Then follow this guide!

I will explain you how to create a private server! You will then be able to do whatever you want on it? Ain't it cool? <fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png

Buuut... This tutorial will work only in localhost, implying that you will be the only one able to connect and play on it. It's some kind of a test server.

Ready? Go!


I. Downloads

  • VirtualBoxHERE
  • NavicatHERE
  • WinSCP

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  • The server (VDI file) - HERE
  • The clientHERE


II. Virtual Machine



1. Install VirtualBox. You will use it as a way to emulate the Operating System called FreeBSD. (The server will run on this OS)
2. Start VirtualBox
3. Click on "New" at the bottom left of the screen.

4. Choose a name and name the Virtual Machine. Choose BSD for Type and FreeBSD (XXbits depending on your OS, most likely 64bits) in Version. Then click on Next

5. Allocate the amount of RAM of your choice to the Virtual Machine. Note that you'll be fine with 2048Mo (It might even be overkill for a server you'll only use alone). The minimum I advise you to allocate is 1Go (1024Mo). Anyway, as long as you're in the green bar you're fine. Click Next.

6. Tick the "Use and already existing virtual disk" (Or something like that, that's the last box) and select the VDI (.vdi) you just downloaded in Step 1. Then press Create.

7. Your Virtual Machine is now created. Now let's configure the Networking. Right click on your VM (Virtual Machine) then hit Configuration

8. In Network, select "Bridged" for Networking Mode and in Name, select your Networking Card. Then click OK.

9. The networking is now selected and the Virtual Machine created! Let's go to step three.

Information: If you are under WiFi, select your WiFi adapter, otherwise, if you use Ethernet, use your Ethernet adapter.
Success ! You created your Virtual Machine. It will hosts your first Metin2 server!



III. Start your server



1. If you want to start the VM, you just have to double click on it. The Virtual Machine will start. Wait a bit. Now it asks you to connect a user.

2. In login, put: root and in Password, write or ;cncc<co;. You are now fully connected as a super user. If you want to start the files, begin with typing cd /usr/metin2

Information: You won't see what you type in password, it doesn't mean it's not working, it is just hidden.
Warning: If your keyboard is a QWERTY keyboard, the right password is ";cncc,co;". (Also refer to this comment for further instructions)

4. Now you are in the metin2 files folder. You just have to type to start it : sh (and sh to close it). And then the number of channel that you want to open. One channel is perfect to begin with.

5. Your Metin2 server is now working ! You just have to configure the client ! Of course, you need to leave Virtual Box open if you want your server to be openned as well.


Warning! The more channels you open, the more RAM will be used. For testing purposes, 1 is more than enough.
Success! Your server is now online! Don't forget to keep VirtualBox open to keep your server online.



IV. Connection to the client !



1. Extract the file Client 2014.rar on your computer, i.e your Desktop.
2. Then, you need to configure the  and put your ip inside. Here's a guide for it (Still in French ATM) : Configurer votre client pour la première fois

4. In my case, it's That's the one we're after !
5. Once the configuration is done, start metin2client.exe which is at the root of your client.
6. Use these already existing admin credentials : User: admin Password: test || You can change them or create a new one later on.
7. Choose your character, and voilà ! Your connected on your first Metin2 private server !

Success! You are now connected on your server!



V. Gain access to the files



1. If you want to inspect or modify the files, you need to install the software "WinSCP". Once it's installed & started, do as explained below.
2. Click on "New Site" and do as the following screenshot.

Information: Don't forget to use your local ip starting with 192.168.x.x and which you obtained above.

3. Now you're connected to WinSCP. You can now browse through the files with a software instead than a terminal.
4. Click on .. to go at the root, then click on usr then metin2. You should be there:

5. These are the Folders & Files that your server contains !

Success! You are now browsing your server files!




VI. Gain access to the database



1. The database contains pretty much everything related to players, account and so on. Install Navicat and start it.
2. Click on Connect then MySQL

3. Fill it like this:

  1. Name
  2. The IP you saw before (starting with 192.168)
  3. 3306
  4. root

4. On the left pannel you can see your server. In order to connect, you just have to click two times over it.

5. And this is the database of your server !

Success! You are now able to browse the database.



Success! You just created a local private server!


VII. End of the Tutorial


Now, everything is alright, you can connect to the database, browse your files and edit your client ! You can now modifiy everything as you want <fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png

FAQ - Must Read for beginners - (Still in French ATM) : HERE


If you need some help, don't hesitate and lead to Questions & Answer. The community will be there to help you.
Good luck!

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  • 7 mois après...
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il y a 13 minutes, Bakaru a dit :

Hello, @Gurgarath i have a problem in step III. I enter "root" and "" and it says log in incorect. Whats the problem ??


It might be possible that your keyboard is in QWERTY in that case try to type ";cncc,co;". If it's not in QWERTY the right password is still "".

Also, it's normal if nothing appears when you try to type the password.


Best regards.

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You are welcome and thanks for the report! I edit the tutorial as it's more common to have a QWERTY than a French AZERTY when it comes to international tutorials :D


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@Gurgarath This linkère-fois/ in Step IV doesnt work for me. It shows this error 

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Edit: Fixed.

Modifié par Funky Emulation
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This picture in step VI 

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 needs to be corrected according to this post. (root --> metin2).


Modifié par Funky Emulation
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I will update the tutorial pretty soon. The original one has been rewritten once again and left this one slightly outdated. Thanks for the report! :)


Best regards,

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  • 2 semaines après...
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Il y a 3 heures, Jhon960 a dit :

I dont have in my client files


You have it, you need to unpack root and then it will be inside, then repack it.

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  • 4 semaines après...

I'm stuck on step "VI. Gain access to the database" ,  image here : 

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All above steps seems to be done okay, I've even logged-in the game and logged-in with WinSCP. Any ideas? ?

Modifié par Funky Emulation
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Il y a 20 heures, Crital a dit :

I'm stuck on step "VI. Gain access to the database" ,  image here : 

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All above steps seems to be done okay, I've even logged-in the game and logged-in with WinSCP. Any ideas? ?



For any further issues, open a post in Q&A section. This error seems to be a firewall error, the port is somehow blocked, try disabling your firewall / anti-virus software.

Have a nice day :D

Modifié par Funky Emulation
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  • 1 mois après...

All ports open. tested


I can access game from host machine by local IP (static ip for the vps)


I can access Mysql from outside intro the virtualbox vps with External IP no problem.

Me/my friends can't access from client to game with External IP to virtualbox


Any idea?


Edit: nothing reaching syssers and logs , so nothing is even reaching the server.

Modifié par joanakity
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Il y a 3 heures, joanakity a dit :

All ports open. tested


I can access game from host machine by local IP (static ip for the vps)


I can access Mysql from outside intro the virtualbox vps with External IP no problem.

Me/my friends can't access from client to game with External IP to virtualbox


Any idea?


Edit: nothing reaching syssers and logs , so nothing is even reaching the server.


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Il y a 21 heures, Veltor88 a dit :


Thank you! I appreciate you reply but in /src/config.cpp I don't have the variable:


Other files would be ok.


Meanwhile I noticed my config.cpp has:

char		g_szPublicIP[16] = "0";
char		g_szInternalIP[16] = "192.168.188";

Would this be something I can use or should I follow your changes but g_dwSkillBookNextReadMax not found.


Thank you in advance!


Big Edit: My findings below my source is definitely different than yours has a more spread out config.cpp:

in char_skill.cpp:
		const int aiGrandMasterSkillBookMaxCount_euckr[10] = {
			5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 25, 30};
		iMinReadCount = aiGrandMasterSkillBookMinCount_euckr[idx];
		iMaxReadCount = aiGrandMasterSkillBookMaxCount_euckr[idx];
		iBookCount = aiGrandMasterSkillBookCountForLevelUp_euckr[idx];}
	{	if (iBookCount&1)
			iBookCount = iBookCount / 2 + 1; else
			iBookCount = iBookCount / 2; 
	int n = number(1, iBookCount);
	sys_log(0, "Number(%d)", n);
	DWORD nextTime = get_global_time() + number(28800, 43200);
	sys_log(0, "GrandMaster SkillBookCount min %d cur %d max %d (next_time=%d)", iMinReadCount, iTotalReadCount, iMaxReadCount, nextTime);

Maybe more important hereby a pastebin of my config.cpp

(I don't know how to put a spoiler sorry)

Modifié par joanakity
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  • 2 semaines après...
  • 2 semaines après...
On 6/7/2018 at 4:27 AM, Gurgarath said:


Required Level  : Beginner

Estimated Time : Between 15 & 30 minutes


Disclaimer : This guide is only a translation of the following tutorial made by Emulateur and then renewed by Calypso. The screenshots are still in French as for now and the tutorial may be aged but still works like charm. [.To be continued.]


Hey there!


You want to create a metin2 private server? You want to play with your friends? Create a community or create one just as a hobby? Then follow this guide!

I will explain you how to create a private server! You will then be able to do whatever you want on it? Ain't it cool? B|

Buuut... This tutorial will work only in localhost, implying that you will be the only one able to connect and play on it. It's some kind of a test server.

Ready? Go!


I. Downloads

  • VirtualBoxHERE
  • NavicatHERE
  • WinSCP

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  • The server (VDI file) - HERE
  • The clientHERE


II. Virtual Machine

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1. Install VirtualBox. You will use it as a way to emulate the Operating System called FreeBSD. (The server will run on this OS)
2. Start VirtualBox
3. Click on "New" at the bottom left of the screen.


4. Choose a name and name the Virtual Machine. Choose BSD for Type and FreeBSD (XXbits depending on your OS, most likely 64bits) in Version. Then click on Next


5. Allocate the amount of RAM of your choice to the Virtual Machine. Note that you'll be fine with 2048Mo (It might even be overkill for a server you'll only use alone). The minimum I advise you to allocate is 1Go (1024Mo). Anyway, as long as you're in the green bar you're fine. Click Next.


6. Tick the "Use and already existing virtual disk" (Or something like that, that's the last box) and select the VDI (.vdi) you just downloaded in Step 1. Then press Create.


7. Your Virtual Machine is now created. Now let's configure the Networking. Right click on your VM (Virtual Machine) then hit Configuration


8. In Network, select "Bridged" for Networking Mode and in Name, select your Networking Card. Then click OK.


9. The networking is now selected and the Virtual Machine created! Let's go to step three.

Information: If you are under WiFi, select your WiFi adapter, otherwise, if you use Ethernet, use your Ethernet adapter.
Success ! You created your Virtual Machine. It will hosts your first Metin2 server!



III. Start your server

  Reveal hidden contents


1. If you want to start the VM, you just have to double click on it. The Virtual Machine will start. Wait a bit. Now it asks you to connect a user.


2. In login, put: root and in Password, write or ;cncc<co;. You are now fully connected as a super user. If you want to start the files, begin with typing cd /usr/metin2

Information: You won't see what you type in password, it doesn't mean it's not working, it is just hidden.
Warning: If your keyboard is a QWERTY keyboard, the right password is ";cncc,co;". (Also refer to this comment for further instructions)



4. Now you are in the metin2 files folder. You just have to type to start it : sh (and sh to close it). And then the number of channel that you want to open. One channel is perfect to begin with.


5. Your Metin2 server is now working ! You just have to configure the client ! Of course, you need to leave Virtual Box open if you want your server to be openned as well.


Warning! The more channels you open, the more RAM will be used. For testing purposes, 1 is more than enough.
Success! Your server is now online! Don't forget to keep VirtualBox open to keep your server online.



IV. Connection to the client !

  Reveal hidden contents


1. Extract the file Client 2014.rar on your computer, i.e your Desktop.
2. Then, you need to configure the  and put your ip inside. Here's a guide for it (Still in French ATM) : Configurer votre client pour la première fois



4. In my case, it's That's the one we're after !
5. Once the configuration is done, start metin2client.exe which is at the root of your client.
6. Use these already existing admin credentials : User: admin Password: test || You can change them or create a new one later on.
7. Choose your character, and voilà ! Your connected on your first Metin2 private server !

Success! You are now connected on your server!



V. Gain access to the files

  Reveal hidden contents


1. If you want to inspect or modify the files, you need to install the software "WinSCP". Once it's installed & started, do as explained below.
2. Click on "New Site" and do as the following screenshot.


Information: Don't forget to use your local ip starting with 192.168.x.x and which you obtained above.

3. Now you're connected to WinSCP. You can now browse through the files with a software instead than a terminal.
4. Click on .. to go at the root, then click on usr then metin2. You should be there:


5. These are the Folders & Files that your server contains !

Success! You are now browsing your server files!




VI. Gain access to the database

  Hide contents


1. The database contains pretty much everything related to players, account and so on. Install Navicat and start it.
2. Click on Connect then MySQL


3. Fill it like this:

  1. Name
  2. The IP you saw before (starting with 192.168)
  3. 3306
  4. root


4. On the left pannel you can see your server. In order to connect, you just have to click two times over it.


5. And this is the database of your server !

Success! You are now able to browse the database.



Success! You just created a local private server!


VII. End of the Tutorial


Now, everything is alright, you can connect to the database, browse your files and edit your client ! You can now modifiy everything as you want :)

FAQ - Must Read for beginners - (Still in French ATM) : HERE


If you need some help, don't hesitate and lead to Questions & Answer. The community will be there to help you.
Good luck!

Hey i got this error every time 

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