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Messages posté(e)s par Calypso

  1. Hello @Yalabi,


    Essaie de depack tes fichiers directement dans le client pour voir si ton arme est bien implantée. C'est une erreur qui arrive très souvent, on repack et on oublie de remplacer tout ça dans le client. Ou alors on oublie de repack. Depack son client est un bon moyen de vérifier si on a bien tout fait correctement.


    Tu peux essayer aussi avec un autre VNUM. Pour savoir si ça vient du VNUM, tu peux mettre l'ID d'une arme existante. Par exemple 10. Si ça fonctionne, c'est que le VNUM 3300 n'est pas dans la bonne plage (à vrai dire, je ne connais pas l'intervalle)


    Et aussi, avant de tester tout ça, vérifie bien qu'après tout tes tests, tu n'as pas une erreur, de lettres en trop / moins ou une faute de frappe dans l'item_list, etc ...



  2. Hello @Yalabi,


    A l'état actuel, Metin2 n'est pas fait pour Mac. Il faudrait recompiler les sources du clients pour obtenir un lanceur compatible MacOS.


    Cependant, tu peux regarder du côté de CrossOver, ou autre logiciel dans ce genre là, qui permet de faire tourner des programmes Windows sur MacOS. Me semble qu'il y avait des gens qui arrivaient à le faire tourner avec ça à l'époque.

  3. Tout est marqué dans le topic !

    Et ce ne sont pas des files, ce sont juste les sources du metin2client.exe (les sources du client)


    Il n'y a ni serveur, ni client, ni db. Juste les sources du lanceur

  4. Hello Eristoff !


    Stefano (metin2dev) les avait refaite. Il y a juste deux trois phrases à traduire en français 😀


    --#      Created By Stefano9876     #
    --# Please don't remove the credits #
    quest hunting_quest_en begin
    	state start begin
    		when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 2 begin
    	state check_level begin
    		when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= pc.getqf("lv_next") begin
    	state information begin
    		when letter begin
    			send_letter("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    		when button or info begin
    			say_title("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    			say("Choose a monster:")
    			local s = select(hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")].." "..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]),hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")].." "..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]),"Annulla")
    			if s == 1 then
    			elseif s == 2 then
    	state running begin
    		when enter begin
    		when letter begin
    			send_letter("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    		when button or info begin
    			say_title("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    			if pc.getqf("_s") == 1 then
    				say_reward("Kill " ..hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]-pc.getqf("_kill").. " " ..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]))
    				say_reward("Kill " ..hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]-pc.getqf("_kill").. " " ..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]))
    		when kill with not npc.is_pc() begin
    			if pc.getqf("_s") == 1 then
    				if npc.get_race() == hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
    				if pc.getqf("_kill") >= hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
    			elseif pc.getqf("_s") == 2 then
    				if npc.get_race() == hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
    				if pc.getqf("_kill") >= hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
    	state reward begin
    		when letter begin
    			send_letter("Hunting Quest Reward "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    		when button or info begin
    			say_title("Hunting Quest Reward "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
    			say("Good done "..pc.get_name().."!")
    			say("You have completed the mission number " ..pc.getqf("current_mission")..",")
    			say("so, that's your reward!")
    			say_reward("You've got:")
    			say_reward("Experience and Yang.")
    			if pc.getqf("current_mission") == pc.getqf("LV_MAX") then
    	state __COMPLETE__ begin
    		when enter begin
    		--** FUNCTIONS
    		function GetYangReward(lv_next)
    			local goldRange1, goldrange2
    			goldRange1 = hunting_quest.yang_reward[lv_next][1]
    			goldRange2 = hunting_quest.yang_reward[lv_next][2]
    			return number(goldRange1,goldrange2)
    		function GetExpReward(current_mission, lv_next)
    			local _FirstPerc, _SecondPerc
    			local exp_for_this_level = hunting_quest.exp_table[lv_next]
    			if current_mission <= 20 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
    				_SecondPerc = _FirstPerc
    			elseif current_mission <= 30 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
    				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
    			elseif current_mission <= 50 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
    				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.95) -- 5%
    			elseif current_mission <= 60 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.99) -- 1%
    				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.96) -- 4%
    			elseif current_mission <= 83 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
    				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.96) -- 4%
    			elseif current_mission <=90 then
    				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.95) -- 5%
    				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
    			return number(_FirstPerc,_SecondPerc)
    		end -- GetRewardExp


    questlib.lua :

    --#      Created By Stefano9876     #
    --# Please don't remove the credits #
    hunting_quest = {}
    hunting_quest.monsters_value0 = {
    --	 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
    	171, 171, 172, 173, 174, 178, 178, 175, 175, -- 2 to 10
    	179, 180, 176, 181, 181, 177, 177, 184, 181, 182, -- 11 to 21
    	352, 185, 354, 431, 551, 552, 456, 651, 651, 652, -- 21 to 30
    	652, 652, 653, 751, 751, 752, 754, 773, 774, 756, -- 31 to 40
    	931, 932, 932, 933, 771, 772, 933, 934, 773, 774, -- 41 to 50
    	775, 934, 934, 776, 777, 935, 935, 936, 936, 937, -- 51 to 60
    	2061, 1305, 1305, 2062, 2062, 2301, 2301, 1106, 1031, 2201, -- 61 to 70
    	2303, 2303, 1063, 2305, 2204, 2205, 2311, 1070, 1069, 2312, -- 71 to 80
    	1071, 2313, 2314, 2315, 1071, 1172, 1172, 1173, 1173, 1172, -- 81 to 90
    hunting_quest.monsters_value1 = {
    --	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    	172, 172, 173, 174, 178, 175, 175, 179, 179, -- 2 to 10
    	179, 176, 181, 177, 177, 184, 184, 182, 183, 352, -- 11 to 20
    	185, 354, 431, 402, 434, 456, 554, 554, 652, 2102, -- 21 to 30
    	2102, 2051, 2103, 2103, 2052, 2106, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2158, -- 31 to 40
    	5132, 5123, 2031, 2031, 2032, 5124, 7005, 7005, 2063, 5126, -- 41 to 50
    	5126, 2034, 2034, 1001, 1301, 1002, 1002, 1303, 1303, 1003, -- 51 to 60
    	1004, 2131, 1101, 1102, 1104, 1105, 1105, 1031, 1107, 2302, -- 61 to 70
    	2202, 2202, 2304, 1063, 1064, 1035, 1068, 1066, 1070, 1071, -- 71 to 80
    	2312, 2314, 2313, 1171, 2315, 1175, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1177, -- 81 to 90
    hunting_quest.monsters_num0 = {
    --	 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
    	10, 20, 15, 10, 20, 10, 20, 15, 20, -- 2 to 10
    	10, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 10, 20, 20, -- 11 to 21
    	20, 25, 20, 60, 80, 80, 30, 35, 40, 40, -- 21 to 30
    	50, 45, 35, 40, 40, 20, 30, 40, 40, 40, -- 31 to 40
    	40, 30, 40, 40, 50, 30, 35, 40, 40, 40, -- 41 to 50
    	50, 45, 50, 40, 40, 50, 60, 45, 50, 45, -- 51 to 60
    	60, 45, 50, 50, 40, 50, 55, 50, 50, 70, -- 61 to 70
    	55, 60, 55, 50, 50, 45, 50, 50, 50, 55, -- 71 to 80
    	55, 55, 45, 45, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, -- 81 to 90
    hunting_quest.monsters_num1 = {
    --	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    	5, 10, 5, 10, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, -- 2 to 10
    	5, 10, 5, 5, 10, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, -- 11 to 20
    	10, 10, 40, 80, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, -- 21 to 30
    	45, 40, 30, 40, 30, 20, 20, 20, 30, 20, -- 31 to 40
    	25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 30, 30, 35, 45, 20, -- 41 to 50
    	30, 45, 50, 30, 35, 30, 40, 40, 45, 40, -- 51 to 60
    	50, 55, 45, 45, 40, 45, 50, 50, 45, 55, -- 61 to 70
    	55, 60, 55, 55, 50, 50, 50, 50, 45, 50, -- 71 to 80
    	55, 45, 55, 60, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, -- 81 to 90
    hunting_quest.yang_reward = {
    	[1] = {1000,5000},
    	[2] = {1000,5000},
    	[3] = {1000,5000},
    	[4] = {1000,5000},
    	[5] = {1000,5000},
    	[6] = {3000,7000},
    	[7] = {3000,7000},
    	[8] = {3000,7000},
    	[9] = {3000,7000},
    	[10] = {10000,20000},
    	[11] = {10000,20000},
    	[12] = {10000,20000},
    	[13] = {10000,20000},
    	[14] = {10000,20000},
    	[15] = {10000,20000},
    	[16] = {15000,25000},
    	[17] = {15000,25000},
    	[18] = {15000,25000},
    	[19] = {15000,25000},
    	[20] = {20000,40000},
    	[21] = {20000,40000},
    	[22] = {20000,40000},
    	[23] = {20000,40000},
    	[24] = {20000,40000},
    	[25] = {20000,40000},
    	[26] = {35000,70000},
    	[27] = {35000,70000},
    	[28] = {35000,70000},
    	[29] = {35000,70000},
    	[30] = {50000,90000},
    	[31] = {50000,90000},
    	[32] = {50000,90000},
    	[33] = {50000,90000},
    	[34] = {50000,90000},
    	[35] = {50000,90000},
    	[36] = {50000,90000},
    	[37] = {50000,90000},
    	[38] = {50000,90000},
    	[39] = {50000,90000},
    	[40] = {50000,90000},
    	[41] = {50000,90000},
    	[42] = {50000,90000},
    	[43] = {50000,90000},
    	[44] = {50000,90000},
    	[45] = {50000,90000},
    	[46] = {50000,90000},
    	[47] = {50000,90000},
    	[48] = {50000,90000},
    	[49] = {50000,90000},
    	[50] = {50000,90000},
    	[51] = {50000,90000},
    	[52] = {50000,90000},
    	[53] = {50000,90000},
    	[54] = {50000,90000},
    	[55] = {50000,90000},
    	[56] = {50000,90000},
    	[57] = {50000,90000},
    	[58] = {50000,90000},
    	[59] = {50000,90000},
    	[60] = {50000,90000},
    	[61] = {50000,90000},
    	[62] = {50000,90000},
    	[63] = {50000,90000},
    	[64] = {50000,90000},
    	[65] = {50000,90000},
    	[66] = {50000,90000},
    	[67] = {50000,90000},
    	[68] = {50000,90000},
    	[69] = {50000,90000},
    	[70] = {50000,90000},
    	[71] = {50000,90000},
    	[72] = {50000,90000},
    	[73] = {50000,90000},
    	[74] = {50000,90000},
    	[75] = {50000,90000},
    	[76] = {50000,90000},
    	[77] = {50000,90000},
    	[78] = {50000,90000},
    	[79] = {50000,90000},
    	[80] = {50000,90000},
    	[81] = {50000,90000},
    	[82] = {50000,90000},
    	[83] = {50000,90000},
    	[84] = {50000,90000},
    	[85] = {50000,90000},
    	[86] = {50000,90000},
    	[87] = {50000,90000},
    	[88] = {50000,90000},
    	[89] = {50000,90000},
    	[90] = {50000,90000},	
    hunting_quest.exp_table = {
    	[1] = 300,
    	[2] = 800,
    	[3] = 1500,
    	[4] = 2500,
    	[5] = 4300,
    	[6] = 7200,
    	[7] = 11000,
    	[8] = 17000,
    	[9] = 24000,
    	[10] = 33000,
    	[11] = 43000,
    	[12] = 58000,
    	[13] = 76000,
    	[14] = 100000,
    	[15] = 130000,
    	[16] = 169000,
    	[17] = 219000,
    	[18] = 283000,
    	[19] = 365000,
    	[20] = 472000,
    	[21] = 610000,
    	[22] = 705000,
    	[23] = 813000,
    	[24] = 937000,
    	[25] = 1077000,
    	[26] = 1237000,
    	[27] = 1418000,
    	[28] = 1624000,
    	[29] = 1857000,
    	[30] = 2122000,
    	[31] = 2421000,
    	[32] = 2761000,
    	[33] = 3145000,
    	[34] = 3580000,
    	[35] = 4073000,
    	[36] = 4632000,
    	[37] = 5194000,
    	[38] = 5717000,
    	[39] = 6264000,
    	[40] = 6837000,
    	[41] = 7600000,
    	[42] = 8274000,
    	[43] = 8990000,
    	[44] = 9753000,
    	[45] = 10560000,
    	[46] = 11410000,
    	[47] = 12320000,
    	[48] = 13270000,
    	[49] = 14280000,
    	[50] = 15340000,
    	[51] = 16870000,
    	[52] = 18960000,
    	[53] = 19980000,
    	[54] = 21420000,
    	[55] = 22930000,
    	[56] = 24530000,
    	[57] = 26200000,
    	[58] = 27960000,
    	[59] = 29800000,
    	[60] = 32780000,
    	[61] = 36060000,
    	[62] = 39670000,
    	[63] = 43640000,
    	[64] = 48000000,
    	[65] = 52800000,
    	[66] = 58080000,
    	[67] = 63890000,
    	[68] = 70280000,
    	[69] = 77310000,
    	[70] = 85040000,
    	[71] = 93540000,
    	[72] = 102900000,
    	[73] = 113500000,
    	[74] = 121000000,
    	[75] = 137000000,
    	[76] = 150700000,
    	[77] = 165700000,
    	[78] = 236990000,
    	[79] = 260650000,
    	[80] = 286780000,
    	[81] = 315000000,
    	[82] = 346970000,
    	[83] = 381680000,
    	[84] = 419770000,
    	[85] = 461760000,
    	[86] = 508040000,
    	[87] = 558740000,
    	[88] = 614640000,
    	[89] = 676130000,
    	[90] = 743730000,


  5. Les sources 2012 sont jamais sortis, donc je pense pas qu'on parle de la même chose


    @Gurgarath J'avais à l'époque réussi à mettre 4 inventaires en modifiant mon game à la main en Hexa. J'étais arrivé à un résultat plutôt satisfaisant même si, je te l'accorde, il y avait certains bugs. C'est juste un travail long et fastidieux. Mais pas adapté du tout.

    • Love 1

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