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Impossible de ré ouvrir mon serveur



Bonjour, ayant fais une mauvaise manip sur la table skill_proto j'ai éteins MySQL et j'ai remplacé les fichiers "skill_proto.frm", "skill_proto.MYD" et "skill_proto.MYI" dans la table "player" sur WinSCP, j'ai remis l'owner de ces fichiers sur "mysql" au lieu de "root" et j'ai rallumé MySQL.



Sur Navicat j'ai pu réparé et optimisé la nouvelle table skill_proto sans problème.


Depuis, impossible d'ouvrir le serveur, un petit message furtif apparaît pendant le démarrage (

AUTH_SERVER: I am the master
connect: Connection refused


Alors j'ai regardé dans le syserr de auth, il y a cette erreur :

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:44 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 891

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:44 :: socket_connect: HOST localhost:15000, could not connect.


Dans le syserr de db, il y a ça (je ne sais pas trop ce que s'est) :

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:52 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:52 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:52 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 23
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 23
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 23
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:54 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:54 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:54 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:56 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:56 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:56 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 22
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:59 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20


Et dans le syserr du channel1/core1, il y a aussi une erreur : 

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:46 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 893

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: ReadSpecialDropItemFile: ReadSpecialDropItemFile : there is no item 470 : node w20º¸½º»óÀÚ
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: Boot: cannot load SpecialItemGroup: locale/france/special_item_group.txt
SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: pid_deinit: 
End of pid



Version des files : 2016 by FE

Domaine (Base de données, Core, etc.) : Files, base de données

Votre niveau (débutant, intermédiaire, avancé) : Débutant


Depuis, impossible de trouver l'origine du problème. :(


Merci d'avance.


En postant ma demande d'aide, j'affirme avoir lu et accepté le règlement des demandes d'aides.

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SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: ReadSpecialDropItemFile: ReadSpecialDropItemFile : there is no item 470 : node w20º¸½º»óÀÚ

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: Boot: cannot load SpecialItemGroup: locale/france/special_item_group.txt

SYSERR: Jan 21 15:09:51 :: pid_deinit:

End of pid



C'est indiqué noir sur blanc, ton db n'arrive pas à lire le special_item_group.


Apparemment c'est lié à ton vnum 470

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J'ai recréé l'item 470, effectivement la ligne avait été effacé.


Maintenant dans le syserr du channel1/core1 j'ai :

SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:11 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 894

SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_giant_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6110) folder(ice_snow_giant_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_giant_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6110) folder(ice_snow_giant_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_giant_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6110) folder(ice_snow_giant_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_golem2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6111) folder(ice_snow_golem2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_golem2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6111) folder(ice_snow_golem2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_golem2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6111) folder(ice_snow_golem2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_insect2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6112) folder(ice_snow_insect2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_insect2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6112) folder(ice_snow_insect2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_insect2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6112) folder(ice_snow_insect2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6113) folder(ice_snow_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6113) folder(ice_snow_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_man2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6113) folder(ice_snow_man2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_monster2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6114) folder(ice_snow_monster2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_monster2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6114) folder(ice_snow_monster2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: ice_snow_monster2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6114) folder(ice_snow_monster2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_fly have not motlist.txt vnum(6115) folder(reddragon_room_fly)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_fly have not motlist.txt vnum(6115) folder(reddragon_room_fly)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_fly have not motlist.txt vnum(6115) folder(reddragon_room_fly)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6116) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6116) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6116) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6117) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6117) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_human_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6117) folder(reddragon_room_human_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: metinstone_reddragon_statue have not motlist.txt vnum(6118) folder(metinstone_reddragon_statue)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: metinstone_reddragon_statue have not motlist.txt vnum(6118) folder(metinstone_reddragon_statue)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: metinstone_reddragon_statue have not motlist.txt vnum(6118) folder(metinstone_reddragon_statue)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6193) folder(reddragon_room_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6193) folder(reddragon_room_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reddragon_room_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6193) folder(reddragon_room_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6417) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6417) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6417) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7101) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7101) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7101) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7102) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7102) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_daepo have not motlist.txt vnum(7102) folder(guild_target_daepo)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7103) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7103) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7103) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7104) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7104) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_hwacha have not motlist.txt vnum(7104) folder(guild_target_hwacha)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_bonghwa have not motlist.txt vnum(7105) folder(guild_target_bonghwa)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_bonghwa have not motlist.txt vnum(7105) folder(guild_target_bonghwa)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: guild_target_bonghwa have not motlist.txt vnum(7105) folder(guild_target_bonghwa)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:52 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion_white/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pig_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34017) folder(pig_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pig_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34017) folder(pig_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pig_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34017) folder(pig_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34018) folder(dog_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34018) folder(dog_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34018) folder(dog_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: tiger_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34019) folder(tiger_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: tiger_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34019) folder(tiger_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: tiger_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34019) folder(tiger_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34020) folder(lion_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34020) folder(lion_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34020) folder(lion_young2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:54 :: heart_idle: losing 40 seconds. (lag occured)


Je pense avoir compris que ces fichiers sont manquants, mais ce que je ne comprends pas c'est pourquoi je n'avais pas cette erreur avant.


Mais ce que je comprends encore moins c'est ça :

SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion_white/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jan 21 16:29:53 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'

(Je précise que ces fichiers sont présent et n'ont jamais été touché.)


Alors qu'avant tout fonctionnait nickel.

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