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  1. Centre de Téléchargement Télécharger ( Interne ) Bonsoir à tous, Voici un tutoriel pour pouvoir ban un joueur connecté directement en jeu. Le tutoriel de base vient de Metin2Dev par Sanchez. Je l'ai modifié à un endroit, parce qu'elle fonctionnait pas pour moi. 1. Créer une table sql dans la base account : SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `ban_ingame` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ban_ingame`; CREATE TABLE `ban_ingame` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, `begins` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `finish` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `reason` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin5; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ban_ingame -- ---------------------------- 2. Ouvrez le fichier cmd.cpp ( dans le dossier game) et cherchez la ligne suivante : ACMD(do_block_chat); Ajoutez juste en dessous : ACMD(do_ban); 3. Cherchez la ligne suivante : { "block_chat_list",do_block_chat_list, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_PLAYER } et ajoutez ceci en dessous : { "ban", do_ban, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_IMPLEMENTOR }, 4. Cherchez la fonction suivante : ACMD(do_block_chat) { // GM이 아니거나 block_chat_privilege가 없는 사람은 명령어 사용 불가 if (ch && (ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_HIGH_WIZARD && ch->GetQuestFlag("chat_privilege.block") <= 0)) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("그런 명령어는 없습니다")); return; } char arg1[256]; argument = one_argument(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (!*arg1) { if (ch) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Usage: block_chat (0 to off)"); return; } const char* name = arg1; long lBlockDuration = parse_time_str(argument); if (lBlockDuration < 0) { if (ch) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "잘못된 형식의 시간입니다. h, m, s를 붙여서 지정해 주십시오."); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "예) 10s, 10m, 1m 30s"); } return; } sys_log(0, "BLOCK CHAT %s %d", name, lBlockDuration); LPCHARACTER tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(name); if (!tch) { CCI * pkCCI = P2P_MANAGER::instance().Find(name); if (pkCCI) { TPacketGGBlockChat p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_BLOCK_CHAT; strlcpy(p.szName, name, sizeof(p.szName)); p.lBlockDuration = lBlockDuration; P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGBlockChat)); } else { TPacketBlockChat p; strlcpy(p.szName, name, sizeof(p.szName)); p.lDuration = lBlockDuration; db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_BLOCK_CHAT, ch ? ch->GetDesc()->GetHandle() : 0, &p, sizeof(p)); } if (ch) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Chat block requested."); return; } if (tch && ch != tch) tch->AddAffect(AFFECT_BLOCK_CHAT, POINT_NONE, 0, AFF_NONE, lBlockDuration, 0, true); } // END_OF_BLOCK_CHAT Ajoutez juste après ceci : ACMD(do_ban) { // Args char arg1[256], arg2[256], arg3[256]; // Local variables const char* szName; const char* szReason; char szReasonEscape[1024]; int iDuration; one_argument(two_arguments(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1), arg2, sizeof(arg2)), arg3, sizeof(arg3)); // Invalid syntax if (!*arg1 || !*arg2 || !*arg3) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Invalid Syntax, usage: tip: don't use spaces in the reason, use _"); return; } szName = arg1; iDuration = atoi(arg2); szReason = arg3; DBManager::instance().EscapeString(szReasonEscape, sizeof(szReasonEscape), szReason, strlen(szReason)); if (iDuration <= 0) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Duration can't be 0 or minus."); return; } LPCHARACTER tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(szName); if (!tch) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "%s is not playing", szName); return; } if (!tch->GetDesc()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "%s don't have desc", szName); return; } if (tch == ch) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "What's wrong with you? Don't ban yourself"); return; } if (tch->GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Do not ban GMs"); return; } std::auto_ptr msg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("INSERT INTO account2.ban_ingame (id, name, begins, finish, reason) VALUES ('%d', '%s', NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) + %i), '%s')", tch->GetAID(), tch->GetName(), iDuration * 3600, szReasonEscape)); DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account2.account SET availDt = FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) + %i) WHERE id = %d", iDuration * 3600, tch->GetAID()); tch->GetDesc()->DelayedDisconnect(5); sys_log(0, "%s[%d] banned %s for %i hours with reason: %s", ch->GetName(), ch->GetPlayerID(), szName, iDuration, szReasonEscape); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "%s has been banned for %i hours with reason: %s", szName, iDuration, szReasonEscape); } INFORMATIONS : std::auto_ptr msg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("INSERT INTO account.ban_ingame (id, name, begins, finish, reason) VALUES ('%d', '%s', NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) + %i), '%s')", tch->GetAID(), tch->GetName(), iDuration * 3600, szReason)); Va insérer les informations dans votre table "ban_ingame". Si vous changez le nom de table dans navicat, n'oubliez pas de changer le nom de la fonction ici aussi. DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET status = 'BLOCK' WHERE id = %d", tch->GetAID()); Va bannir le compte du joueur dans la table account.account , dans la colonne statut, celui-ci passera de "OK" à "BLOCK". Le compte banni se déconnecte automatiquement.
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