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Quêtes chasse FR



Version des Files / Type d’Émulateur : Files 2016

Domaine ( Base de Données, Client, Core, Sources... ) : Base de données

Niveau : Débutant, Intermédiaire ou Avancé ? Débutant

Bonjour à tous,


Jusqu'à aujourd'hui je n'ai jamais vu en partage et encore moins dans les serverfiles les quêtes de chasse où l'on demande de tués 5 sangliers sauvage ou 10 sanglier affamés (etc.) avec le dessin de ces animaux. 


Quelqu'un saurait comment faire ?


Merci d'avance à tous


J'affirme avoir lu et accepté le règlement de Funky Émulation

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Hello Eristoff !


Stefano (metin2dev) les avait refaite. Il y a juste deux trois phrases à traduire en français ? :

--#      Created By Stefano9876     #
--# Please don't remove the credits #
quest hunting_quest_en begin
	state start begin
		when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 2 begin
	state check_level begin
		when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= pc.getqf("lv_next") begin
	state information begin
		when letter begin
			send_letter("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
		when button or info begin
			say_title("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
			say("Choose a monster:")
			local s = select(hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")].." "..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]),hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")].." "..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]),"Annulla")
			if s == 1 then
			elseif s == 2 then
	state running begin
		when enter begin
		when letter begin
			send_letter("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
		when button or info begin
			say_title("Hunting Quest "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
			if pc.getqf("_s") == 1 then
				say_reward("Kill " ..hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]-pc.getqf("_kill").. " " ..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")]))
				say_reward("Kill " ..hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]-pc.getqf("_kill").. " " ..mob_name(hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")]))
		when kill with not npc.is_pc() begin
			if pc.getqf("_s") == 1 then
				if npc.get_race() == hunting_quest.monsters_value0[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
				if pc.getqf("_kill") >= hunting_quest.monsters_num0[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
			elseif pc.getqf("_s") == 2 then
				if npc.get_race() == hunting_quest.monsters_value1[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
				if pc.getqf("_kill") >= hunting_quest.monsters_num1[pc.getqf("current_mission")] then
	state reward begin
		when letter begin
			send_letter("Hunting Quest Reward "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
		when button or info begin
			say_title("Hunting Quest Reward "..pc.getqf("current_mission"))
			say("Good done "..pc.get_name().."!")
			say("You have completed the mission number " ..pc.getqf("current_mission")..",")
			say("so, that's your reward!")
			say_reward("You've got:")
			say_reward("Experience and Yang.")
			if pc.getqf("current_mission") == pc.getqf("LV_MAX") then
	state __COMPLETE__ begin
		when enter begin
		function GetYangReward(lv_next)
			local goldRange1, goldrange2
			goldRange1 = hunting_quest.yang_reward[lv_next][1]
			goldRange2 = hunting_quest.yang_reward[lv_next][2]
			return number(goldRange1,goldrange2)
		function GetExpReward(current_mission, lv_next)
			local _FirstPerc, _SecondPerc
			local exp_for_this_level = hunting_quest.exp_table[lv_next]
			if current_mission <= 20 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
				_SecondPerc = _FirstPerc
			elseif current_mission <= 30 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
			elseif current_mission <= 50 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.95) -- 5%
			elseif current_mission <= 60 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.99) -- 1%
				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.96) -- 4%
			elseif current_mission <= 83 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.98) -- 2%
				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.96) -- 4%
			elseif current_mission <=90 then
				_FirstPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.95) -- 5%
				_SecondPerc = exp_for_this_level*(1-0.90) -- 10%
			return number(_FirstPerc,_SecondPerc)
		end -- GetRewardExp


questlib.lua :

--#      Created By Stefano9876     #
--# Please don't remove the credits #
hunting_quest = {}
hunting_quest.monsters_value0 = {
--	 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
	171, 171, 172, 173, 174, 178, 178, 175, 175, -- 2 to 10
	179, 180, 176, 181, 181, 177, 177, 184, 181, 182, -- 11 to 21
	352, 185, 354, 431, 551, 552, 456, 651, 651, 652, -- 21 to 30
	652, 652, 653, 751, 751, 752, 754, 773, 774, 756, -- 31 to 40
	931, 932, 932, 933, 771, 772, 933, 934, 773, 774, -- 41 to 50
	775, 934, 934, 776, 777, 935, 935, 936, 936, 937, -- 51 to 60
	2061, 1305, 1305, 2062, 2062, 2301, 2301, 1106, 1031, 2201, -- 61 to 70
	2303, 2303, 1063, 2305, 2204, 2205, 2311, 1070, 1069, 2312, -- 71 to 80
	1071, 2313, 2314, 2315, 1071, 1172, 1172, 1173, 1173, 1172, -- 81 to 90
hunting_quest.monsters_value1 = {
--	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
	172, 172, 173, 174, 178, 175, 175, 179, 179, -- 2 to 10
	179, 176, 181, 177, 177, 184, 184, 182, 183, 352, -- 11 to 20
	185, 354, 431, 402, 434, 456, 554, 554, 652, 2102, -- 21 to 30
	2102, 2051, 2103, 2103, 2052, 2106, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2158, -- 31 to 40
	5132, 5123, 2031, 2031, 2032, 5124, 7005, 7005, 2063, 5126, -- 41 to 50
	5126, 2034, 2034, 1001, 1301, 1002, 1002, 1303, 1303, 1003, -- 51 to 60
	1004, 2131, 1101, 1102, 1104, 1105, 1105, 1031, 1107, 2302, -- 61 to 70
	2202, 2202, 2304, 1063, 1064, 1035, 1068, 1066, 1070, 1071, -- 71 to 80
	2312, 2314, 2313, 1171, 2315, 1175, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1177, -- 81 to 90
hunting_quest.monsters_num0 = {
--	 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
	10, 20, 15, 10, 20, 10, 20, 15, 20, -- 2 to 10
	10, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 10, 20, 20, -- 11 to 21
	20, 25, 20, 60, 80, 80, 30, 35, 40, 40, -- 21 to 30
	50, 45, 35, 40, 40, 20, 30, 40, 40, 40, -- 31 to 40
	40, 30, 40, 40, 50, 30, 35, 40, 40, 40, -- 41 to 50
	50, 45, 50, 40, 40, 50, 60, 45, 50, 45, -- 51 to 60
	60, 45, 50, 50, 40, 50, 55, 50, 50, 70, -- 61 to 70
	55, 60, 55, 50, 50, 45, 50, 50, 50, 55, -- 71 to 80
	55, 55, 45, 45, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, -- 81 to 90
hunting_quest.monsters_num1 = {
--	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
	5, 10, 5, 10, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, -- 2 to 10
	5, 10, 5, 5, 10, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, -- 11 to 20
	10, 10, 40, 80, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, -- 21 to 30
	45, 40, 30, 40, 30, 20, 20, 20, 30, 20, -- 31 to 40
	25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 30, 30, 35, 45, 20, -- 41 to 50
	30, 45, 50, 30, 35, 30, 40, 40, 45, 40, -- 51 to 60
	50, 55, 45, 45, 40, 45, 50, 50, 45, 55, -- 61 to 70
	55, 60, 55, 55, 50, 50, 50, 50, 45, 50, -- 71 to 80
	55, 45, 55, 60, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, -- 81 to 90
hunting_quest.yang_reward = {
	[1] = {1000,5000},
	[2] = {1000,5000},
	[3] = {1000,5000},
	[4] = {1000,5000},
	[5] = {1000,5000},
	[6] = {3000,7000},
	[7] = {3000,7000},
	[8] = {3000,7000},
	[9] = {3000,7000},
	[10] = {10000,20000},
	[11] = {10000,20000},
	[12] = {10000,20000},
	[13] = {10000,20000},
	[14] = {10000,20000},
	[15] = {10000,20000},
	[16] = {15000,25000},
	[17] = {15000,25000},
	[18] = {15000,25000},
	[19] = {15000,25000},
	[20] = {20000,40000},
	[21] = {20000,40000},
	[22] = {20000,40000},
	[23] = {20000,40000},
	[24] = {20000,40000},
	[25] = {20000,40000},
	[26] = {35000,70000},
	[27] = {35000,70000},
	[28] = {35000,70000},
	[29] = {35000,70000},
	[30] = {50000,90000},
	[31] = {50000,90000},
	[32] = {50000,90000},
	[33] = {50000,90000},
	[34] = {50000,90000},
	[35] = {50000,90000},
	[36] = {50000,90000},
	[37] = {50000,90000},
	[38] = {50000,90000},
	[39] = {50000,90000},
	[40] = {50000,90000},
	[41] = {50000,90000},
	[42] = {50000,90000},
	[43] = {50000,90000},
	[44] = {50000,90000},
	[45] = {50000,90000},
	[46] = {50000,90000},
	[47] = {50000,90000},
	[48] = {50000,90000},
	[49] = {50000,90000},
	[50] = {50000,90000},
	[51] = {50000,90000},
	[52] = {50000,90000},
	[53] = {50000,90000},
	[54] = {50000,90000},
	[55] = {50000,90000},
	[56] = {50000,90000},
	[57] = {50000,90000},
	[58] = {50000,90000},
	[59] = {50000,90000},
	[60] = {50000,90000},
	[61] = {50000,90000},
	[62] = {50000,90000},
	[63] = {50000,90000},
	[64] = {50000,90000},
	[65] = {50000,90000},
	[66] = {50000,90000},
	[67] = {50000,90000},
	[68] = {50000,90000},
	[69] = {50000,90000},
	[70] = {50000,90000},
	[71] = {50000,90000},
	[72] = {50000,90000},
	[73] = {50000,90000},
	[74] = {50000,90000},
	[75] = {50000,90000},
	[76] = {50000,90000},
	[77] = {50000,90000},
	[78] = {50000,90000},
	[79] = {50000,90000},
	[80] = {50000,90000},
	[81] = {50000,90000},
	[82] = {50000,90000},
	[83] = {50000,90000},
	[84] = {50000,90000},
	[85] = {50000,90000},
	[86] = {50000,90000},
	[87] = {50000,90000},
	[88] = {50000,90000},
	[89] = {50000,90000},
	[90] = {50000,90000},	
hunting_quest.exp_table = {
	[1] = 300,
	[2] = 800,
	[3] = 1500,
	[4] = 2500,
	[5] = 4300,
	[6] = 7200,
	[7] = 11000,
	[8] = 17000,
	[9] = 24000,
	[10] = 33000,
	[11] = 43000,
	[12] = 58000,
	[13] = 76000,
	[14] = 100000,
	[15] = 130000,
	[16] = 169000,
	[17] = 219000,
	[18] = 283000,
	[19] = 365000,
	[20] = 472000,
	[21] = 610000,
	[22] = 705000,
	[23] = 813000,
	[24] = 937000,
	[25] = 1077000,
	[26] = 1237000,
	[27] = 1418000,
	[28] = 1624000,
	[29] = 1857000,
	[30] = 2122000,
	[31] = 2421000,
	[32] = 2761000,
	[33] = 3145000,
	[34] = 3580000,
	[35] = 4073000,
	[36] = 4632000,
	[37] = 5194000,
	[38] = 5717000,
	[39] = 6264000,
	[40] = 6837000,
	[41] = 7600000,
	[42] = 8274000,
	[43] = 8990000,
	[44] = 9753000,
	[45] = 10560000,
	[46] = 11410000,
	[47] = 12320000,
	[48] = 13270000,
	[49] = 14280000,
	[50] = 15340000,
	[51] = 16870000,
	[52] = 18960000,
	[53] = 19980000,
	[54] = 21420000,
	[55] = 22930000,
	[56] = 24530000,
	[57] = 26200000,
	[58] = 27960000,
	[59] = 29800000,
	[60] = 32780000,
	[61] = 36060000,
	[62] = 39670000,
	[63] = 43640000,
	[64] = 48000000,
	[65] = 52800000,
	[66] = 58080000,
	[67] = 63890000,
	[68] = 70280000,
	[69] = 77310000,
	[70] = 85040000,
	[71] = 93540000,
	[72] = 102900000,
	[73] = 113500000,
	[74] = 121000000,
	[75] = 137000000,
	[76] = 150700000,
	[77] = 165700000,
	[78] = 236990000,
	[79] = 260650000,
	[80] = 286780000,
	[81] = 315000000,
	[82] = 346970000,
	[83] = 381680000,
	[84] = 419770000,
	[85] = 461760000,
	[86] = 508040000,
	[87] = 558740000,
	[88] = 614640000,
	[89] = 676130000,
	[90] = 743730000,


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Oooh merci Calypso !

C'est super ça ! :D


Par contre j'ai un petit soucis :

/ start with 'quest'
Abort trap (core dumped)


Et pourtant la quête commence bien par :"quest" !

quest hunting_quest_en begin


Merci d'avance


Modifié par Eristoff
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Merci d'avoir répondu aussi vite,


voici le fichier :


EDIT 1: J'ai résolu le soucis en créant le fichier directement dans le FTP, je sais pas pourquoi ça fonctionne pas quand je le créer sur mon bureau...


Je vous remercie encore pour tout


Par contre la quête fonctionne bien mais comment je fais pour afficher le dessin des animaux dans la quête sous forme de parchemin comme le FR ?


Merci d'avance

Modifié par Eristoff
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Alors je vais introduire, déjà si tu as tes propres dessins il faudra les mettre dans ton client (/ETC/ui/game/questboard)

Ensuite il va falloir ajouter tes mobs que tu veux faire tuer à ces lignes

special.levelup_quest = {


Pour ajouter une image de mob (juste le mob pas le parchemin j'y viendrai ensuite), il va falloir ajouter l'id de ton mobs et le nom de ton fichier à ces lignes

special.levelup_img = 
    [101] = "dog.tga",

Et enfin pour le parchemin tu devrais ajouter une fonction comme ceci


Level_bg étant l'image du parchemin vierge (sans le mob)

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