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How to change sounds



File Version / Emulator Type  :2014 files / freebsd

Domain (Database, Client, Core ...) :

Your level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced ..) :beginner


Description of the problem :I want to change the login_window.mp3 with a different one i prefer. How can i do that ?? 

How to reproduce the problem? :

Searches and tests carried out :I unpacked bgm.eix using EterNexus > I replaced login_window.mp3 with a new .mp3 (with the same name) > I repacked bgm folder > I replaced bgm.eix > Nothing changed.


Screenshot of the problem concerned :


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Thank you very much !! It works now.

Very weird tho, because i feel that i did the same thing as the guide says at the end. I dont know why didn't worked.


"Si vous voulez faire ça encore plus proprement, vous pouvez aussi :


Ouvrez EterNexus et depack BGM.

Remplacer les musiques par les votre.

Repackez BGM."

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  • Robot

You can change or add a music for a map in the settings.lua (in share/locale/X from your serverfiles) :

add_bgm_info( 1, "enter_the_east.mp3", 0.5);

1 = ID of the Map 

The second thing it's the name of your song (in .mp3)

and the last number it's the intensity of the sound ( 1 it's very high so stay at 0.5)

  • Love 1


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Do you also have a guide to modify sounds for the skills, hits, monsters etc ?? (i've searched a bit but didnt found any)




Secondary question: Is it allowed to link here URLs from different forums similar to Funk-E ??

Modifié par Bakaru
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