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Probleme Crash



[Message d'introduction] Bonjour/Bonsoir j'ai un problème avec les message quand je vais pour ouvrir la fenêtre message sa ferme le jeu .


Version des files : Files 2014 by team fe

Domaine (Base de données, Core, etc.) :

Votre niveau (débutant, intermédiaire, avancé) : Intermédiaire


Description du problème : Quand j'ouvre pour ouvrir la fenêtre pour les messages sa ferme le jeu .

Comment reproduire le problème : Aucune idée

Recherches et tests effectué : Remis un dossier root vierge , vérifier dans winSCP si il n'y avais pas un problème

Résultat des recherches et tests : Aucun résultats


Message d'erreur, capture d'écran :


En postant ma demande d'aide, j'affirme avoir lu et accepté le règlement des demandes d'aides.[Message d'introduction]

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0816 17:15:11883 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error

0816 17:15:11883 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error

0816 17:15:11886 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error

0816 17:15:11886 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error

0816 17:15:20913 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000005) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20913 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000007) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000007) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000007) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000009) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000009) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000009) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000011) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000011) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000011) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000012) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000012) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000012) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000013) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000014) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000014) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000014) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000015) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000015) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000016) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000017) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000018) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000018) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000018) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000018) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000019) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000019) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000019) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000019) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000019) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000020) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000020) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000020) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000021) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000021) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000021) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000021) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000022) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000022) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000023) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000023) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000024) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000025) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000025) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000026) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000037) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000041) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000043) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000043) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000046) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000049) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000050) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000050) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000050) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000052) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000053) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000054) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000054) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000055) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000057) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000058) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000058) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000085) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000090) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000097) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20914 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000098) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20915 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000105) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20915 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000108) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:20915 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(1337000108) Load ERROR

0816 17:15:21241 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.

0816 17:15:34763 :: ui:3139: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception


0816 17:15:34766 :: LoadDialog LoadScriptFile LoadChildren LoadChildren LoadElementExpandedImage


WhisperDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript - :Failed to load image (filename: locale/fr/effect/ymirred.tga)


0816 17:15:34766 :: ============================================================================================================

0816 17:15:34766 :: Abort!!!!

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